~ A Closed Auction To Benefit the BRLA ~
BRLA members and equestrian friends everywhere are invited to bid on
this once in a lifetime opportunity.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
We have a winner!! Thank you to everyone that participated in this exciting auction event!!
Closed Auction Details
Opening day for bidding begins March 24, 2023. Bids must be received in writing via email or U.S. Mail and submitted before 5pm, Thursday May 4th. There is no minimum bid required to enter.
Bids may be submitted to:
or BRLA, PO Box 178, Bedford NY, 10506 (must be received via mail by Thursday, May 4th) *BRLA is not responsible for slow mail or mail delays.
Subject: 2023 Auction Bid
Please include the following information with your bid:
Once a bid has been received, a confirmation email will be sent and a bid number will be assigned for tracking any adjustments to the bid and for announcing the winner. Winner agrees to fulfill payment by check within 10 days of notification.